Ehsan Arasteh

A Photograph of Ehsan Arasteh

Position Title
PhD Graduate

  • Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Ehsan received his bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering with a double major in Physics. He finished his master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at UC Davis with a thesis on "Steering System With A Differential For Additive Active Steering And Autonomous Operations". His PhD research focus is on future brake systems (on autonomous vehicles and EV/HEVs) and brake-by-wire technologies. He is also involved in the Department of Transportation project, “AVA: Automated Vehicles for All” which aims to study cooperative automated vehicles (CAVs) in rural and multimodal environments. His research interests include controls, vehicle dynamics, and autonomous vehicles.

Education and Degree(s)
  • BSc: Sharif University of Technology
  • MSc: University of California, Davis
  • PhD: University of California, Davis
