Future Mobility Lab

About Us
Welcome The Future Mobility Lab website! Our lab, founded by Professor Francis Assadian, studies modeling, simulation, and control of dynamic systems. Some of our focuses are: bond graph and multibody dynamic models of ground vehicle dynamics, global chassis control systems, alternative powertrain technologies, energy optimization, optimal control, and robust control.
Also check out our github organization. We make updates to allow the easy reproduction of our work for select projects.
Current Research Topics
- Powertrain optimization and energy management techniques for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles
- Uncertainty analysis in various controller configurations in a lateral vehicle model
- Physics-informed machine learning for autonomous vehicles
- Brake-by-Wire Systems for Future Ground Vehicles
- Design of controls for the multi-robotic system through computer vision in an automated manufacturing environment
- Adaptive sensor control and state estimation through sensor fusion of advanced sensors for autonomous ground vehicles
- Experimental validation of trajectory following controllers on a scale-model vehicle
- Framework design and development of driver evaluators for autonomous vehicles using reinforcement learning
Ongoing Projects
- Department of Transportation Off-road Autonomous Vehicle Project- Link
- Ford project computer vision guided robot manipulator
Research Highlights
New book published by John Wiley & Sons!
Robust Control: Youla Parameterization Approach
by Farhad Assadian, Kevin R. Mallon

Past Projects and Topics
- Ford Project global chassis control
- Integrated Vehicle Dynamics and Control
- Optimal Energy Management for Battery Aging Reduction
Current Events

Past Events

Past Experiments
Unstable Braking in a Bend
Stable Braking in a Bend
Split Mu with DSC Off EDifferential On
Split Mu with DSC On EDifferential Off
Simulated Comparison of Controllers in Double Lane Change